Next Step
Our Next Step program provides individualized education and employment services to adults with histories of homelessness, serious mental illness, substance use disorder, and involvement with the criminal justice system. Since 2000, we have helped nearly 5,000 New Yorkers find and retain employment, achieve economic security, lead more fulfilling lives, and positively contribute to their communities.
Our comprehensive approach allows us to work individually with each client to remove barriers to employment and prepare them to be successful in today’s labor market. Services include:
Job Readiness Workshops
Resume Development
Vocational Training
Interview Preparation
Adult Education/HSE Prep
Vocational Counseling
Computer Training
Job Search Assistance
Job Development & Job Placement
Job Retention Support for one year
Career Advancement Assistance
Alumni Groups
We have a network of local employers who hire our clients into permanent positions that range from entry-level to managerial positions. We have helped many of our clients return to the workforce and succeed in jobs in Health Care, Social Services, Food Services, Custodial, Transportation, Administrative, Retail, Customer Service, and more.
We place over 300 individuals in jobs each year through Next Step, with an average starting salary that is 30% higher than the New York State minimum wage.
The average time to job placement is less than three months, and two-thirds of our clients stay on the job for at least six months.
For more information, contact Outreach and Enrollment Specialist, Andrea Moreno at 212-620-0340 ext. 349 or at