Donate Items to our Silent Auction!
Auction Wishlist:
- Airline tickets
- Resort/Vacation home stays – specifically Napa Valley or Caribbean
- NYC Sporting tickets – specifically Yankees, Giants, Jets
- Golf outings
- Spa services – massages, facials, mani/pedi
- Women’s accessories – fine jewelry, designer handbags
- Personal Yoga, pilates, fitness trainer
- Tickets to MB Fashion week
- Gift certificate to upscale NYC restaurants
- Wine
- Electronics – specifically iPads/iPods
- Unique NYC experiences
Check out our Gala site here to buy tickets, donate items, and view auction items!
OR email media[at]projectrenewal[dot]org or mail to:
Nicole Scanlin
c/o Project Renewal
200 Varick St 9th Fl
New York, NY 10014