How can you advocate to end homelessness in NYC?


Our mission is to end homelessness in New York City and we do that through our life-changing programs that help struggling men and women find renewed health, homes, and jobs.

Many of our programs depend on funding from various agencies at the city, state, and federal level. Our advocacy efforts focus on preserving and growing support for the best methods for ending homelessness.

  • We advocate on behalf of our clients to preserve the social safety net this funding provides.
  • We inform government officials of the results demonstrated by these programs, suggesting the most efficient and effective areas to improve funding.
  • We educate decision-makers about our client’s needs, including their voices in our outreach.Project Renewal is honored to partner with a new coalition to end homelessness in New York City. United to End Homelessness brings together key stakeholders with the goal of impacting the upcoming mayoral campaign by outlining essential steps needed to curb the recent rise in homelessness and meet the needs of struggling New Yorkers:
  1. Make homelessness and affordable housing a top mayoral priority
  2. Enact core policies to end homelessness
  3. Create an interagency council on homelessness

How can you help?

  1. Get involved with the campaign and stay up to date with events and updates
  2. Donate to Project Renewal and help fund our efforts to help New Yorkers most in need and end the cycle of homelessness in their lives.

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View Press Release Here

View United to End Homelessness Platform Here