More than 1/3 of homeless men are _________...

Vets Photo


While homelessness among the general population is a serious issue, high incidences of homelessness among the men and woman who served our country are especially disturbing.  On a given night in 2011, 67,495 veterans experienced homelessness in the U.S.   New York City alone documented 4,677 homeless veterans on a single night in 2011 – nearly 7% of the national total.

In an effort to better serve the men and women who served our country, members of the Project Renewal staff conducted a focus group with three clients who are also veterans.   Indio Casaine, Darrell Bristow and Mike Woods (pictured above) shared their personal stories with PRI staff, helping us to learn more about the unique needs of veterans and how to best help homeless veterans attain health, homes and jobs.