News: Our 22nd Annual Gala Benefit and Auction raises over $760,000
Thank you SO much to all of our wonderful Trustees, staff, volunteers, and supporters who made our 22nd Annual Gala Benefit and Auction a great success!
We raised over $760,000 to help homeless New Yorkers find health, homes, and jobs—bringing them so much further on their journey towards a new life. The Bowery Hotel was buzzing with our guests until late in the night, and the bidding was lively on both silent and live auction items.
A special thanks to our Host Ed Helms, Gala Chair Pamela Bell, MC Erika Tarantal, Auctioneer Hugh Hildesley, and Special Guest Patrick Lee.
Check out coverage of the event on Guest of a Guest and Local Bozo, and all of our great photos on Facebook!